Spirit Guides and how they can help
Nov 12, 2024My spirit guides helped me rediscover my highest self. It is part of our journey here on earth to learn that we become less connected to our higher selves when we are more connected to the fear of what we perceive to be our reality.
When we are more connected to our soul, we can realize there is a choice in our perception of our reality. When fully connected to your soul, you see that this lifetime is merely a glimpse of your eternity. In my case, my perception of my physical pain was lowering my vibration and keeping me from connecting to a higher aspect of myself. The fear of the pain and feeling the pain kept me from tuning into any other possibility of healing.
While meditating, I received guidance that I had a choice in how I experienced pain, anxiety and other lower vibrational energies. Unfortunately, I didn’t immediately trust the source of my visions. I thought I was imagining these divine voices, or that the pain created an altered state of reality. It took years of encouragement from my husband for me to learn that these visions and voices within me were a gift.
Turning to meditation helped me to begin to lift my vibration little by little until I began to change my focus from darkness and turn to the light. When I look back at the time I first connected with my guides, I now understand that I was being guided back to a higher vibration of myself. I would not have been aware of their guidance if I had not been in a meditative state. Through this connection, I received divine information to help me restore my true essence. I eventually healed myself physically and emotionally and worked daily with my guides. They taught me what symbols meant and how to understand the language of the spirit. My guides showed me how important gratitude is and how to focus on anything positive. At the time, sometimes my gratitude was on my toe, feeling good or I was nestled in the covers. I had to retrain my brain to focus on vibrations other than pain.
My guides developed an exercise program where I started to ride a recumbent bicycle for one minute a day. Each week, I increased it until I finally started riding for one hour a day. I slowly titrated the medicine I was on until I was no longer taking anything for pain or seizures. This took years. I immersed myself in healing modalities just like my guides suggested. I found a healing center and started to get acupuncture treatments.
It was not an easy journey, and there were moments when I was in so much pain I did not know if I would survive. But I not only survived, I thrived, and I am now living my best life as a psychic medium and spiritual advisor.
If you want to meet your guides start by setting an intention that you are open to receiving guidance for your highest good. Set up a daily program where you are practicing gratitude and meditation. Allow time for this practice, and eventually, as you continue to open, you will begin to see signs that repeat. Your guides will start to make themselves known, and in time, you will begin to recognize different signs to help you embrace an easier life. If you want to learn more about how spirit guides appear using signs, follow me for more tips.
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