Open your heart and find your authentic self

Feb 11, 2025

What people have forgotten is that by remaining connected with one another, and your heart center, you will maintain a higher frequency. Most of us have been conditioned throughout our lives that in order to be "efficient" at our life, we must not be emotional and stay "focused" on the task. 

You have been taught to utilize your brain to rationalize and solve problems. This method of living is NOT accessing your authentic self. This is not what we have been sent to here to experience. We have been sent to earth too have an EMOTIONAL experience, otherwise we would not be in this dimension at this point in time.

When you can communicate with others and disconnect or shut your own emotions out, physical problems tend to arise. If you think about it, you are an emotional being. Problems that you experience such as anxiety, ear, weight issues, depression, OCD behaviors, thoughts of leaving this world and so much more arise because you are in fact denying who you truly are. You are meant to be a feeling light being.

Your higher self is simply that part of you that is truly connected to all that there is, all that there was and all that is yet to be. The one universal source of energy. So many of us feel that everything relies solely on your shoulders. Some of us pray and ask for help, but many of us are not truly releasing our requests. Once you understand that you are in fact connected to a universal energy and higher power, you will be able to release your manifestations and trust that they will be answered. You are not alone.

Most people need some form of validation that they are proceeding in the right direction. A confirmation that they are doing good work. What we need to understand is that the greatest gift you can give yourself is that understanding and the knowing that this power and light comes from within. Once you understand that this light and love actually resides within you, you can truly embrace the love that has been within you all along.

To learn more about raising your vibrations and connecting to your heart, look at some of the live and virtual classes on the classes tab.

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